Tuesday 11 December 2007

In the beginning...

Travel.... Adventure.... Discovery.... (self or otherwise). These are the philosophies behind this blog. We'll see how the actuality turns out!

I've always dreamed of getting out there and taking on the world, turning down a road and following it until it runs out, seeing what the world really looks/smells/feels like. For many years I've tortured myself reading books written by those who have done it for real. Some of them have been the hardy, rugged, adventurous types that you would expect, some the mystical, spiritual types who are intent on self discovery as much as anything. Recently, however, there have been a new wave of explorers who are just ordinary people like you or me who have decided that they are fed up with their 9 to 5 drudgery and want to see if the world really is as small a place as we keep telling ourselves.

All this reading gets a guy thinking you know. Could I do that? Is it just as simple as packing a bag and going for it? Am I for ever destined to read other people's exploits and never to experience the real thing for myself? Surely not.....

I am resolved to have "an adventure". I wil record the processes that I go through on the way for my own amusement as much as anything else but you never know, maybe I'll do something truly exciting and end up writing a book about it! Never say never etc...

I should point out that at this stage the only decision that has been made is to go by motorcycle. I have been riding bikes for a few years now and have never gone further than the North of England (although the West coast of Scotland can provide some pretty good adventures - ask me sometime about the night we tried to camp in Durness!). Motorcycles are by far the best way of seeing the world though. It really puts you in touch with the countryside that you pass through but I'm not going to wax on about that just now, it's not the point of this post.

So! I am going on a motorbike and I'm going to go off now and buy a big map of the world. That's the story so far. It's absurd how excited I am just posting this into my blog! It feels like I'm finally starting to take this idea seriously! We'll see.....